Japan IP News

March 17 2022 JPO Trilateral IP & Environmental Symposium – Contribution of the Patent System Towards a Carbon Neutral Society.

Hosted by the JPO, on March 17, 2022. The Trilateral Offices, consisting of the Japan Patent Office (JPO), the European Patent Office (EPO), and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) held a symposium on IP and Carbon Neutral technologies.

The Trilateral Offices, consisting of the Japan Patent Office (JPO), the European Patent Office (EPO), and the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) held the March 17 2022 Trilateral IP & Environmental Symposium on Carbon Neutral technologies on March 17 2022.

The symposium recognized that SME’s the world over are some of the biggest contributors to the innovation the world needs. This is why Kimura & Partners’ focus is on supporting global SMEs and their IP, globally. Leaders of various innovative global companies joined to share their stories about the vital role of utilizing IP, specifically patents, in their success, and for society at large. It is noteworthy that these companies’ were spun out of Universities and founded by Entrepreneurs. 

The symposium was held in English, and presentations include opening and closing remarks by JPO Commissioner Kiyoshi Mori noting the importance of Intellectual Property (IP) rights to the future development of Carbon Neutral technologies. He also stressed the essential need to share IP and technological innovation “across borders”.

Top officials from each trilateral office participated, and a Keynote presentation was made by WIPO Director Daren Tang.  He reminded us of the brutal realities of damaging climate change facing the world and the reality that some 40% of the world’s population is highly vulnerable. He stated that “innovation, IP, and the global IP system all have important roles to play in achieving the COP26 targets and reversing the course of global warming.

Moderated presentations by business leaders addressed the importance of patents in carbon neutral technological innovation. One example was the development of unique bio jet fuels, and the relevance to venture capital and growth companies. Industrial waste energy for power generation and the saavy usage of IP to expand globally was another. A greener solar-powered LED company utilizing the Patent Cooperation Treaty to expand and cooperate globally also presented.

Here is a link to the JPO’s announcement page for the symposium.   The agenda, speaker profiles, and presentation materials including videos for the March 17 2022 JPO Trilateral IP & Environmental Symposium can be found there.

By Takaaki Kimura

Managing Partner and Patent Attorney with over thirty-five years of IP law experience.