Japan IP News

2022 Annual Meeting of the Industrial Design (ID5). Increasing international cooperation in the Industrial design field. Nov 2022.

Formed in 2015, the ID5 oversees global issues impacting the vital IP area of industrial designs (ID).  In this meeting, the ID5 tackled emerging technologies such as the Metaverse and interoperability. The ID5 is driving increasing international cooperation in the Industrial Design field.

Formed in 2015, the ID5 oversees global issues impacting the vital IP area of industrial designs (ID).  In this meeting, the ID5 tackled emerging technologies such as the Metaverse and interoperability. The ID5 is driving increasing international cooperation in the Industrial Design field.

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The source content for this article is the JPO website and the various documents and/or associated external links offered by the JPO.

Industrial Design 5 Forum (ID5) Annual Meeting 2022.

Hosted by the EUIPO, twelve cooperation projects were discussed, including three the Japan Patent Office (JPO) co-led items, namely, “Study on the Admissibility of Internet Information as Legitimate Disclosure for Novelty Examinations”, “ID5 Statistics” and “ID5 Recommended Design Practices.” In addition, four new projects were approved, including “Indication for Registered Designs” co-led by the JPO and USPTO.

At the Annual Meeting, the ID5 Offices confirmed several issues including working together to respond to the rapid changes in the environment surrounding industrial designs due to new emerging technologies such as the Metaverse, and to promote the “Enhancement of interoperability”. The Offices agreed to further increase the level of cooperation. The main outcomes of this Meeting are as follows.

  • In the JPO-led “Study on the Admissibility of Internet Information as Legitimate Disclosure for Novelty Examinations”, the first recommended practice document*1 was adopted in the ID5.
  • The JPO proposed a new collaborative project of the “Indication for registered designs,” with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) to conduct a comparative survey of systems of indication for registered designs*2 at the Offices, and with a view to establishing and implementing registered design marks common to the ID5 Offices in the future. This proposal was successfully adopted.
    Other Offices proposed three projects, such as the “Design protection in the Metaverse,” and the ID5 Offices agreed to advance cooperation in information exchange, research, and others for these projects from next year.
  • At the user session, with the theme of the “New Technologies impact on IP offices and business”, users made presentations of their opinion on expectations for digitization of application procedures and challenges of hybrid work. In addition, the ID5 Offices exchanged opinions with users on cooperative projects being conducted by the Offices.

ID5 Background and Objectives

The ID5 was established in December 2015 by the JPO, the USPTO, the EUIPO, the CNIPA, and KIPO, to promote international cooperation in industrial design, and since then, the ID5 has continued to cooperate in accordance with industrial design protection systems and its practices.

ID5 Objectives are as follows:

  • Build highly-efficient and interoperable industrial design protection systems;
  • Enhance quality and efficiency of work at design offices;
  • Foster forward-looking discussions on industrial design systems and protection;
  • Provide improved service to the users and the public; and
  • Promote innovation and development in industrial design.

Key Meeting Materials


Once again,  the ID5 is tackling emerging technologies such as the Metaverse and interoperability. The ID5 is driving increasing international cooperation in the Industrial Design field.

By Takaaki Kimura

Managing Partner and Patent Attorney with over thirty-five years of IP law experience.