Japan IP News

WIPO Online Tool Helps Japanese SMEs Assess IP Business Risks.

WIPO Online Tool Helps Japanese SMEs Assess IP Business Risks. Small and Medium-Size Enterprises need all the IP help they can get! WIPO’s “IP Diagnostics” is a valuable online tool that diagnoses IP-related risks associated with your business. The tool enables you to obtain a detailed self-assessment report in 10 areas including patents, trademarks, designs, and trade secrets.

WIPO Online Tool Helps Japanese SMEs Assess IP Business Risks. Small and Medium-Size Enterprises need all the IP help they can get! WIPO’s “IP Diagnostics” is a valuable online tool that diagnoses IP-related risks associated with your business. The tool enables you to obtain a detailed self-assessment report in 10 areas including patents, trademarks, designs, and trade secrets.

Resources for this article:

WIPOs full explanation of  WIPO Diagnostic for SMEs 

This is the link to the free on-line WIPO Diagnostic Tool

Kimura & Partners writes regularly on Japanese IP law for Small and Medium-Size Enterprises (SMEs) and related developments. Our focus is on Patent and Trademark law of relevance to the global SME market seeking strong IP protection in applications and infringement defense. We have a long history of supporting SMEs in Japan, and multi-jurisdictionally, with our unique approach to client relationships and “fighting on the IP Battlefield”.

WIPO promotes the use of the tool as such:

Why should I use WIPO IP Diagnostics?

  • You are a small business wanting an easy introduction to intellectual property (IP).
  • You want to know how IP can help you increase your commercial opportunities.
  • You want to know if your business has any potential intellectual property assets.
  • You want to learn how these assets can be protected and managed in order to add value to your business.

WIPO IP Diagnostics online tool and you will:

  • learn about the basic types of intellectual property
  • identify any IP assets you may have
  • gain a general idea of how to protect, manage and
  • leverage your IP assets for commercial value, and
  • understand where your business may be at risk if you don’t consider IP issues

WIPO IP Diagnostics addresses all the different IP rights as it pertains to the business: patents, trademarks, designs, copyright and trade secrets. 

If all the sections are accessed and the questions answered the user can expect to receive a report of an average of four pages for each section resulting in a total report of almost 50 pages.

Users will actually see how IP impacts the many different areas of business activity such as maintaining a website, engaging in international trade, dealing with employees, external suppliers and contractors, and licensing, protecting, and defending your IP.

On its website, WIPO Japan promotes upcoming workshops on WIPO IP Diagnostics 

As we said, SMEs globally need all the help they can get – and this help is very powerful.  Check it out.

By Takaaki Kimura

Managing Partner and Patent Attorney with over thirty-five years of IP law experience.